Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Your Amway Upline Is Just A Tools Salesman?

Our group (WWDB) edified people who bought extraordinary amounts of extra tapes/cds, extra function tickets and made superhuman efforts to get to functions. Looking back, I remember an IBO who was edified for coming all the way to a family reunion function in Portland Oregon when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The speaker said he could have been miserable spending time at home but here he was making a difference in people's lives. WTF? I once wrote a post about how IBOs think they are saving the world and helping people when in reality, the masses of IBOs are only "helping" their diamonds to attain material wealth by purchasing function tickets, voicemail, standing orders and other materials. While people are doing community service, IBOs are sitting in functions and rah rah meetings.

I would agree that some training and information can be helpful for new IBOs but I do not see any value in a neverending supply of cds and and endless number of meetings and functions. The very thing (support materials) that uplines claim is your key to success is the very thing that nearly guarantees business building IBOs to financial struggles. Our upline wanted IBOs to be out of debt, which is good, but they would also say in the same breath that it was okay to go into hock if it was to attend functions or to purchase additional support materials. Sadly, many IBOs do not see through this self serving advice.

Most people, including myself are very wary when we deal with car salesmen. We are wary because we know that the salesman is out to make money off of us and will try to sell us every option in the book. Thus we negotiate and reject the car options that we don't really need to or. Guess what? Your uplines are like car salesmen except that they sell you different options such as premier club, standing order, book of the month, function tickets, voicemail, open meeting tickets. Just like a car buying customer, taking all the options maximizes the car salesman's commission and the car dealer's profit. Buying all the support materials increases your upline's profits. Imagine the car saleman telling you that the extended warranty was vital to owning the car. You'd think twice about it, yet uplines will tell you that functions are vital to your Amway business and many IBOs buy it hook line and sinker. I hope this analogy will encourage IBOs to think of support materials as options on the car. You don't need any options to make the car work. Just as you don't really need support materials to buy and sell Amway products, and to get some downline to do the same.

We are wary of car salesmen. In my opinion, downline and prospects should be just as wary of uplines who promote tools as "vital" to your success in Amway. Keep in mind that a sponsor is obligated to help train any downline, regardless of whether they are on the system or not.


Anonymous said...

Interesting points I've been reading many of your blog posts and I see that one of main problems you have is with the training materials. In your opinion, if someone can build this business without all the training costs would it be ethical or worthwhile?

Joecool said...

If people made money only on sales and without paid training, then it's possible that everyone could make money. I have not issue with this but I have never heard of or seen a group do that with any success. If you could do that, you'd be better served by selling something other than Amway products.

I might also mention that the upline may try to sabotage your group and try to persuade the downline that they "need" the training to succeed.

Unknown said...

My friend, come and see , our organization wasn't sold any training tools. Only meeting and face to face class is charged for a reasonable fee(no more than avg 30 dollars a month even you attend 3 times a week plus all major class). Yes , I paid 120 dollars for 3 days class, a quite high price this year. But what do I get? A total of 11 top rank IBOs (founder crown ambassador ) is teaching , 3 days , about 10 hours per day, all major speakers are EDC or higher. I don't think they make a huge profit by selling this type even once a year.

If you are not able to come to the meeting or you can't afford it , that's fine, as long as you have a good relationship in the team audio type are free. We no one sells it , just share.

Joecool said...

If you have 10,000 people paying for those meetings, a lot of money is still made off of that. Secondarily, how is the teaching helping your business?

Unknown said...

It is true that a lot of money can make from such meeting , but only once a year, plus it might be just 1-2 % compare to what they get from Amway as pay check. It is hard to answer your second question and prove it. I can say it is very worthy even if I am not doing Amway business after paying the 120 ticket. I get a chance to listen to great speaker, which is very top in their business area, it is not easy to get those chance. From Amway business point, I rate it very helpful too but it is hard to explain why to outsider.

Joecool said...

These diamonds hold meetings and functions every month. The margin is bigger than Amway products and the downline don't get a cut. Some diamonds make more from the functions than from Amway. The math easily bears this out.

Unknown said...

Yes if you are saying those diamonds found a for profit LLC to do so. You can chose to pay for it But you don't have to. Other choice are around.

How many we pay for our diamond? Meeting is free, class but not functions cost 6 dollars if given by a diamond speak , usually around 50-100 people attend depend. Diamonds don't hold big functions every month. Our big functions is once a year. Our group doing well and growing, so you can do the same thing . You are welcome to come and learn and copy to your network and LOS.

Just do the study , the Amway bonus you can make from downline is much higher then tools you sale to them. They are ruining their own business, that's why they has less and less new diamonds , sales dropped and so and so.

Joecool said...

There are much easier ways to make money than Amway. Amway's reputation is soiled and their products cost too much. Easier to have a second job or a side business venture.

Unknown said...

That's your feeling with no support. Maybe you have much easier way that you can tell us about it :)
Yes amway price is a little higher than avg. that's fine. I can still sell it , I have been selling high end product for 4 years before I join amway . Many company successful in the world selling product has price higher than others.

Joecool said...

Yes, you can sell high end products and that's fine. Such as Mercedes Benz, etc.

But Amway products are average and generic in nature but come with premium prices. That's not a good combination to have.

Unknown said...

Really ? If so how the Amway can generate huge sells grows in counties with lower incomes? Many (of course not all) Amway product are premium product with reasonable price. Well, I don't want to get to the details about product and pricing because sales and market proved it is not very hard to sell the product.

Do some research and don't be fool about the products. Yes, Amway in the past also made big price mistake, but it is getting better and better now.

Joecool said...

Amway sells stuff in foreign countries because they are selling the dream, not the products. The IBOs primarily self consume and try to recruit like crazy I know about Amway products. I was an IBO at one time remember?