Thursday, August 24, 2017

"Business Owner" Mentality?

One of the catch phrases that Amway IBOs spout quite often is that you need a "business mentality". Those of us who have an "employee mentality" simply cannot cut the mustard in Amway. I find this ironic since the vast majority of Amway IBOs have a job. A job that they NEED in order to pay for their Amway business. A job that pays for their voicemail, cds, functions and books, in addition to the cost of the Amway products. Basically, most IBOs would be out of business almost immediately without their job income to support their Amway business.

Apparently, a business mentality, as taught by AMO leaders, is one that doesn't expect quick profits, despite upline's claim that the Amway business has low risk and low overhead. A business mentality is also one where you reinvest any or all profits back into buying support materials. A business owner doesn't expect to make a profit for 5 years. Many of these claims are taught by unethical uplines and unfortunately, many IBOs accept the teaching and buy into it. They lure in prospects by talking about low risk and the ability to profit right away, but the teaching later changes to reinvesting money into their business and not expecting profit for several years. A bait and switch of sorts.

Now it is true that a business owner might have to think and view things differently than an employee. For example, an employee might do a great job from 9-5 but after 5:00 pm, that employee may be headed home to care for his or her family, or to participate in some exercise or recreation. The business owner might be inclined to stay after hours to finish a job because he or she may have invested much, and will want to make sure that the business succeeds. However, Amway is promoted as part time, do as much or as little as you want, on your own time, when you have time.

It is my suspicion that uplines want their downline IBOs to adopt a business owner mentality, not because they want downline to succeed, but because it instills a dedication to the tools purchases and it also takes an IBO's focus off profits for a few years. Thus IBOs think they are successful (without profit) if they are listening to standing order, attending all the functions and showing the plan. It is a gimmick used to retain IBOs who are not profitable. If IBOs were actually making money, there would be little need to continue to motivate them with an endless supply of cds and functions. But because most IBOs lose money or make little, the average IBO must be taught that a "business owner" commonly loses money for a number of years, or that they must continue to reinvest their profits in order to succeed.

In posting this, I say to IBOs, just make a profit by selling goods. That is all the motivation you need. Keep track of your bottom line and look at the return on your investment of time and money. That is the action of a real business owner and the real "business owner mentality". Which are you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joe, your next-to-the-last paragraph is absolutely spot-on, as the Brits say.

If Amway IBOs aren't making money, they have to be convinced to stay on. The only way is to persuade them that all businesses are run at a loss for the first few years, and that the steady purchase of tools and function tickets is the gateway to eventual success. As you say, it is "a gimmick."

And yes, if an IBO were in fact making a profit, there would be no need at all for him to keep on getting Standing Order for tape after stupid tape, month after month. Training is not supposed to take forever.

If an IBO said to his up-line "I just want to sell Amway products and make a profit doing so... I don't want anything else from you" he'd be abused mercilessly by his up-line. And this is the REAL reason why Amway has all sorts of absurd rules that prevent an IBO from doing good retail business, and why Amway goes out of its way to prevent the private sale of its products on Amazon or E-bay.

Amway is NOT about the products. Amway is about recruitment and tools and function fees.