Sunday, July 11, 2021


 A recent comment on this blog made me chuckle.  It was something about how Joecool is a loser who has nothing better to do than tear down this fabulous Amway opportunity.  That is not verbatim but the jist of the comment.  Many Amway defending folks are typically new IBOS who are just fired up about Amway because they have believed the lies about 2-5 years of work with reasonable assurance that they will achieve financial freedom, walk the beaches of the world and tell their bosses to “shove it”.  Does anyone actually know someone who managed to tell their boss off because of Amway?

The author also assumes that Joecool must be a broke and bitter loser who can only criticize and hasn’t achieved anything in life.  I hate to break the news to my critics but after my Amway days, I focused on my job, worked a second job to earn money to invest in my retirement and I figured out that Bill Gates made the Amway owners look like paupers because of Microsoft.  There was a rumor that Amway created more millionaires than any other company.  That is false.  Microsoft, Apple, Google and Amazon make Amway look like a welfare case.  The bitter Joecool worked for a pension which I started collecting at age 55 and I had invested in Microsoft in 1997 the year after I quit Amway.   That paid off much better than Amway.  Thank you very much.

I was very lucky to purchase my own home in Hawaii back in the year 2001 for about $300k.   My home is currently valued at close to a million dollars and while I have a small mortgage, I have more than enough cash to pay off the note.  Now I know that many will call BS on my claim but I am willing to prove it but it will cost you a sizable settlement because I can’t prove anything without revealing who I am.  But I will take the wager if anyone dares and is willing to pony up.  This won't be cheap.

But enough about me.  What are IBOs doing that is getting them closer to financial freedom?    I’m sure doing business online is rough which is ironic since Amway is an online business.   But I digress.  Why do Amwayers assume that that anyone critical of Amway is broke?  I believe the opposite is true.  When I was in Amway, I was young and in an entry level type of job.  I retired in a management level position supervising many people.  It's how things work in the corporate world.  

So back to Amway, are you making real net profit in Amway or faking it till you hope you are making it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amway is for people who can't make a dime normally, but who want to dream about being millionaires anyway.