Tuesday, December 27, 2022


 If only I got paid for each time some IBO came here shooting off their mouths, I’d be uber wealthy!  How many times have I heard that I’ll be sorry and in a few months some newbie will be retired at the age of 29 making 10k per month or more?   How many times have I heard that so and so will be diamond and will be back to rub it in my face.   Well, I’m still standing and waiting.  Truth be told, I've never even experienced anyone even returning to the forum to say they went 1000 PV, let alone diamond.   I recall one IBO calling me names because he was going to retire as a double eagle ruby.  Well, he quit Amway completely less than a full year later.

I recall a newbie Amway IBO offering me a wager that his diamond makes more money while taking a crap in the morning than I make all year.  When I showed the math, that IBO disappeared never to be heard from again.  What is the math?   Well, if a diamond makes (for example) $2 million dollars a year, and comparing it to a dreaded j-o-b working 160 hours a month, then a diamond's pay would be about $1041 an hour when comparing to a job.  So if the diamond spends a full hour taking a crap. he would earn about $1041.  What many folks don’t get is that many diamonds don’t make that much money and even if they have a nice income, they likely make much of it from selling function tickets and standing orders and not necessarily from Amway.   But the bigger point is that the IBOs take what upline says at face value without vetting statements for themselves.     

Also, a diamond lifestyle if you will, is a life of excess that likely has many diamonds living check to check and possibly living in debt themselves.  Do the math yourself.  Try and look how much it costs to fly first class for a family of four.  Are speaking fees so lucrative that diamond families fly first class all the time?  The math says no.  A family of four flying first class domestically might cost in the range of $20,000.  Do you really believe that diamonds fly all over the world on a regular basis first class?  I highly doubt it.

I’ve also heard reports of big pins living in below average neighborhoods and there were some diamonds who had homes foreclosed and one triple diamond who filed chapter 7 bankruptcy some years ago.  As information is easier to get, I’ve also heard about Amway functions getting smaller and groups shrinking.  That means the diamond lifestyle is even harder to maintain than ever.  I wish I could say I feel sorry for the diamonds but all I can say is LOL.   😃

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