Friday, December 23, 2022

Where Is The Success And The $$$$$????

 When I was a young Amway IBO, I saw the plan and thought it was realistic and very possible to go direct and to find six (6) downlines who could do the same thing. I didn't know the realistic chances of doing this, but the presentation made sense, at least on paper so I went with it. I basically built my group on excitement, and it seemed like the system could work. Sadly, as I climbed the ranks, my bottom line did not change. I did not "net" $200 at the 1000 PV level, and I did not "net" $1000 a month at 4000 PV as my upline taught. I had the parameters they taught, but the reality was my leaders taught everyone to pump what little profits we earned into buying more tools.  Buying more tools was also the solution to a failing business and it was also the answer for a growing Amway business.  (See what's going on here?) 

My Amway/WWDB leaders also taught people to get out of debt, which seemed to be good advice on the surface, but at the same time, any disposable income left over was to be channeled into tools, and for those who did not escape debt, they were told it was okay to go deeper in debt, but only if it was to "invest" in their businesses by purchasing more tools. Thus, it certainly appears that upline's advice was purely self-serving and had nothing to do with an IBO's individual success.  Upline's advice was aimed at their own success, although it was with ill-gotten gains now that I look back at it.

I was in WWDB, and they (upline) said that WWDB was breaking the most new diamonds and that WWDB diamonds were the most profitable. So here it is more than 20 years later, where are all these new diamonds? Aside from foreign diamonds, there are (I believe) less than 4 new diamonds from WWDB in the US from the time I left the business. Now I may be wrong, but even it was a few more than 4 new diamonds, that is a miserable success rate given the amount of cash spent by downline on tools and the claims made my upline about the tools. Where is the fruit on the tree that WWDB leaders used to speak of? Conversely, I've seen WWDB divorces, home foreclosures and a chapter 7 bankruptcy from a fairly prominent diamond.  Add this in, how would these people know who was the most profitable in Amway when their answer was "none of your business", if you asked them how much money they made.

Where is the integrity and financial acumen these leaders boasted about? Where is the success and long-term financial security available to everyone that was touted? I believe more diamonds and emeralds fell out of qualification than new pins emerged. The business was promoted as one that would stand the test of time. Sadly, I believe WWDB, and the Amway opportunity as promoted by WWDB has been a miserable failure. There is little success to speak of, just the same old tired diamonds showing off a lifestyle that some of them apparently can no longer afford. Where is the success?

It is years later and we are still waiting.......

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