Monday, June 17, 2024

Winners And Losers?

 One of the things that my upline taught, and I believe is still taught today in various groups is that winners join Amway and losers do not. Or that you were a winner because you were doing something to better your financial future and those who didn't were losers. or broke minded. Of course, the upline who said this had no knowledge about those who were not in Amway. Some of them may already have been financially sound or may have been doing something to better their financial future. I'm not sure why these uplines, who promote "positive", had to resort to calling people losers simply because they did not agree that Amway was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

In many games or sporting events, there will be someone or a team that wins the game and someone or a team that loses the game. Losing a game doesn't make you a loser and certainly, a team that wins the game would not say the losing team were losers. Can you imagine a pro football team's coach taking the podium after a game and saying his team won because the other team was a bunch or broke minded gutless losers? That would never happen, yet we see that frequently in the Amway/IBO world. The owner of Amway, Rich DeVos had once said in a recorded message that just because people do not agree with you (paraphrased) about Amway, does not make them losers and that IBOs should not call people losers.

In all of this, people's jobs are also criticized. That a job stands for "just over broke" or "jackass of the boss" and other blurbs. Many IBO's goals and dreams consist of ditching their job so they can sleep all day and live a life of luxury. Ironically, it is most IBO's jobs that continue to produce income so they can pay their bills and feed their family. It is also an IBO's job that funds their Amway and AMO expenses such as product purchases and functions and voicemail, etc. Without having a job, most people could not even join Amway or pay for any tools. Sadly, most IBOs won't make any money in Amway either, and will have to continue to work at their jobs. I do not believe that someone earning an honest living working a job is a loser. Ironically, the folks calling people losers are often not even netting a profit from their Amway business!

Yes, in this business or the sports world, there will be winners and there will be losers. The question is whether you are the one who is allowed to be the judge of who is and who isn't. I would also suggest that IBOs are completely shutting down potential future business by their behavior. What if I went to a store to purchase something but the item was not available on that particular day, so I don't purchase anything and leave. As I leave, the store owner says I am a loser for not buying something there. Will I go back? Very unlikely. If an IBO truly sees themselves as a store owner, all prospects should be seen as potential business, whether future or present. If your upline tells you that people not interested are losers, you should hand him a mirror.


Anonymous said...

Calling non-Amway persons "losers" is a defense mechanism for Amway IBOs. These Ambots are very insecure and uncertain about themselves. They wonder if they will ever be able to attain the status of "Diamond," and thereby be able to have self-respect.

So quite naturally they lash out at anyone who is NOT in Amway. They have to denounce and ridicule them as a way to feel better about themselves.

kwaaikat said...

In any network where your earnings ultimately come from those under you, or referred by you, who are themselves also participants in the network, losers will outnumber winners as matter of mathematical fact. That is always the case and is due to the simple fact that most in a branching network cannot have people under them. You can draw any tree structure on paper, the end points (representing participants without downline) are always more than the nodes (participants with downline).

That is just people without downline outnumbering people with downline. That is not even questioning how participants with a downline of less than 10 are doing, who will make up the vast majority of the "winners". Can you make money and support yourself with a downline of 10?

If one investigates any picture such as the one I'm suggesting, it is not only true for every picture, it goes for every group or sub branch too. So much for your unique supportive branch. If product sales is not the main proposed income stream, it is a network designed to churn out losers.

As for winners, if you think you'll be the one guy who wins, you can only do that by drawing income from participants who make losses, by pumping their JOB salary income into the scheme, who were signed up by you or in your group, under the promise of making money. Far from helping others, the only possible way to make money, is by having a large enough group, in which most members will be disappointed. Those disappointed people who will have wasted their time and money, whose starry eyed dreams will come to naught, are needed by you to make money.

If you have sales or persuasion skills, it's better to sell used cars. You'll earn more, have more free time, and more self respect.

Anonymous said...

When Amway had that infamous meeting in 1983, where the bosses from Ada, Michigan tried to rein in the out-of-control "tools" racket, part the argument made by leaders of the AMO subsystems (who had created the lucrative tools-and-functions scheme) was that there simply WASN'T ENOUGH MONEY TO BE MADE from the sale of Amway products on a retail basis. Nobody, down-line or up-line, was going to get super-rich selling Amway stuff to the general public!

So the tools racket developed as a natural way to make money not off sales, but off the hopes and dreams of those whom you could recruit and keep hyped up with enthusiasm. Kwaaikat is right on target here -- the big money in Amway is made by those Diamonds and other big pins who live off the fees, tools, function tickets, and monthly dues that they collect from those below them in their AMO.

Joecool said...

It is for these very reasons that I opine that diamonds are simply charlatans who make their living by exploiting downline. Not much different than the hucksters on TV selling financial systems or money making schemes. They always have a small disclaimer of "Unique" expeience when showing a success testimonial.

Anonymous said...

You have to be a charlatan at every level, just not diamond to make it big in this business.