Friday, March 18, 2011

Why Do Upline Leaders Get A Pass?

I remember my upline telling our group to trust them. That they had our best interest at heart and that they would never lead us astray on purpose. These were in the larger settings. In our smaller meetings such as with our platinum, we were told we should check our egos at the door and submit to upline. By submitting to upline, we were showing strength and not weakness. By doing this, we would grow our business faster.

Sadly, many IBOs, including myself, really did trust our uplines and we did what we were told. We showed the plan, we attended the meetings and we did the core steps. While I did make some progress with a growing and excited group, I was not making a net profit. The tools ate up all the profits, even though I had a 4000 PV group. My downlines were all losing money because of the tools and the travel. I also did not see any prospects of improvements even at the platinum level as I would have had a couple of additional functions such as go diamond weekend and I would have been expected to fly to show the plan for distance groups.

So while there are rare and few and far between successes, why do uplines blame their trusting downline for failures? Why do the leeaders have no responsibility for the failure of their downline? They certainly take credit for the few successes. I say that active downline should ask their leaders to be responsible for their actions. If their advice causes damages to their downlines, perhaps downlines need to hold these leaders accountable? Don't give them a pass.

1 comment:

John said...

Joe, I will do a blog post about this soon, but in short, the "blame", is an essential part of the mind control tactics by the AMO's. One of the most beneficial outworkings of this, though perhaps unintended, is that IBO's who leave Amway are shamed out of retaliation, much like rape victims.

I also take exception to their absurd claim that they "have your best interests at heart". Robert Fitzpatrick of aptly writes that, on the contrary, the tools business establishes an irreconcilable conflict of interests between uplines and downlines.