One of the ways that upline diamonds would put down jobs was to toss in the phrase that a job was simply trading hours for dollars. As if it were demeaning to have a job where you got paid for your time. I believe it's all relative. Being that many IBos are young and maybe working in more entry level types of jobs, then yeah, your hours wage might not be that great. If you earn say $10 an hour, then you might be struggling financially and it may take time before your skills and knowledge increase to a point where your experience is worth more money. What if you had a job paying $1000 an hour and earned $160,000 a month? Is that a lousy deal trading hours for dollars? I think not!
Conversely, having a business can be good or bad also. If you have an Amway business earnning less than $100 a month and you spend $200 on functions, standing orders and other training and motivational materials, then you are losing money. You would be better off working for free. That is still a better alternative than working a business where you are losing money. I think most people agree that a platinum group typically has a 100 or more IBOs. Thus a platinum is in the top 1% of all IBOs. I have heard that the platinum level is where you start to break even or make a little profit, depending on your level of tool consumption. If platinums are barely making a profit, then the other 99+% of IBOs are likely losing money. How much is that worth per hour?
I think uplines cleverly trick IBOs into thinking that a job is bad. Trading hours for dollars, afterall, sounds like some kind of indentured servant of sorts. But in the ned, what matters is your bottom line. If you are an IBO with little or no downline, and/or not much in terms of sales to non IBOs/customers, then you are losing money each and every month if you are attending functions and buying standing orders. Your 10-12 hours a week of Amway work is costing you money! But if you spend 10-12 hours a week, even at minimum wage, then you might be making about 300 to 350 a month groww income. After taxes, you make about 250 to 300. At least trading hours for dollars gets you a guaranteed net gain at the end of the month.
Uplines trick you into a "business mentality" where you think that working for a net loss is just a part of business. IBOs should realize that a business promoted as low risk and no overhead should be one where you can profir right away. Instead, IBos are taught to delay gratification, or to reinvest any profit back into their business in the form of tools and functions, which results in a net loss. If that's the case I would choose trading hours for dollars.
Remember, trading hours for dollars is not a bad deal if you are making enough dollars per hour. And even those who make less, are better off that those who "run a business" but end up with a net loss. It's all relative and hopefully, this message will help new or prospective IBOs who are being enticed to join the Amway business opportunity. Good luck to those with jobs and those with businesses. You can be successful either way. Remember that!
Amway is not a job
You are keep using the wrong number or guessing . You start to make net profit when you sell over $4000 dollars or less. Platinum made good net profit. A platinum group in nice shape usually has about 15-30 active IBOs. Not just the platinum make money. We always suggest you achieve platinum by having 3 18% legs.
The most important is, once you achive platinum, 1/3 (base on amway publish) double or triple their income as they get to next level. Amway business is not easy to build but it grows so well once you built it. No jobs can do that. Jobs give you ok income at the start, but the longer you work , the worse it becomes, usually. However, we always suggest you start amway business as part time, don't have to reinvest your gain until you make enough profit .
There was a study done by an attorney general who examined the tax returns of the platinums in the State of Wisconsin. They averaged a 900 loss annually. So your statement is speculation. You did not address the cost of doing business and attending seminars, etc.
Amway is not a legitimate business for most either.
That case is 20 years ago, based on only one state and small amount of IBOs . Anyone are welcome to set down and list out there business expense and see when is the break even point. You are using a outdated source , my number are based on 2013, 14 and live .
From wiki "An examination of the 1979–1980 tax records in the state of Wisconsin showed that the Direct Distributors reported a net loss of $918 on average."
First , it is $918 on average IBOs(some said 20,000) , not platinum IBOs . Second , it is a exam base on Tax records. Apply to common sense , a huge amount of so call "business" were created to loss money so they can get tax credit. So such statement is not only outdated, but also meanness.
A much easy way is to write down you cost of operation , and find out break even point as anyone should do before start a business. You said you were at 4000PV and just breaks even but you never write out the list. I can easily write out my list and tell you where is the break even point. But you said that it won't apply to majority , then you should give a list then. Even a tough online review on amway listed the cost around $500 per month(I am operating at less than $100), which give a break even point around 2000 PV .
The best company in the mlm market
The study is old, but what has changed? The only difference is that Amway IBOs have even more business expenses now than they did in 1980 so chances are that the IBOs now lose even more money. So you're saying these IBOs lied and created false expenses to show a net loss?
Here's more information:
Let's wait Joecool to fuck your ass,wait and see,see who laugh till last,he is my boss,respect him or else he will suck you dick,seriously,no joking!
@Qiunan Tang , An IBO become Direct Distributor/Direct when he/she maintains 7500PV for 6 months in a given year and the pin is called Platinum. The statement "An examination of the 1979–1980 tax records in the state of Wisconsin showed that the Direct Distributors reported a net loss of $918 on average." is all about platinums.
Bill and Peggy Britt is totally bullshit,they create Britt World Wide (BWW) to brainwash their ABOs and teach them to attack other ABOs which is not belongs to BWW.
Bill Britt passed away a few year ago but yeah, BWW is a scam and they do exist to extract money from IBOs.
And platinums are in the top one half of one percent of IBOs and they averaged a net loss.
Get a life you loser.
I guess is the old term D/D ? The report is a oneside statement , base on tax return record . Yes , tons of business owner "lied" and get tax return , report all kind expense as it wasn't relate to business. I filed 1099 each year and I also know all the tricks (100% legit).
Amway made statement on their ads showing the platinum income range , such statement are made base on current data. The number must be close to the true income(by law). Q12 Platinum made avg. 55k a year , I don't know how it could come up with a net loss. I don't think you have to spend more than 200 each month for amway business.
Q12 is the exception and not the normal. But if you are buying a lot of standing orders, attending all functions, buying books and voicemail and traveling to show the plan, you can rack up very high business expenses. If you are a serious business owner, it's hard to spend less than $200 a month. If you are a couple, it almost doubles the expense.
standing orders, functions , books , voicemail are optional(I pay about less than $40 for only function, as I said we don't have anything else as you listed) Traveling might cost a little depend on where you live.
Most of our serious member spend less than 200 a month. It call cost control for business. And we are the No.1 system worldwide and growing very well in U.S and cost much less to join. Even for wwdb or other system, the cost is around $500(base on Internet review) , you still make good money.
How can you prove that you are the #1 system in the world? Because your upline said so?
Amway's number after not counting people who did nothing is a lousy $200 a month and that includes diamonds.
Yes. I claim we are #1 system base on
1. Our leader is #1 among amway worldwide and still active
2. Our system has largest number Founder Crown worldwide, as well as diamonds.
3. We don't sell tools, cost nothing to join and stay
4. Our system allow member to access all classroom worldwide. e.g I was in New York I can bring my friend to classroom there then one day later I am in CA , the New York teammates do all the follow up for me. They can do all customer service for me (free) if needed.
I won't list more but I am sure the first two is good enough to claim it.
Cost nothing to join ? It costs some money to join which isnt clearly stated or avoided when shown the plan. There is also a renewal few too yearly
I think at times, the bigger cost is time and not money. The uplines will bleed you to death one cd or one function at a time.
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