Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The House Of Cards?

 When I was an IBO, I was in WWDB. I was told that they were the best LOS, the fastest growing, with the best leaders. We were told to look at the fruit on the tree, that surely, that was proof that WWDB was the best. At the time I believed it all. After all, my upline diamond was one of the fastest to achieve that level and things were looking up. I had heard of recent functions where there were over 50,000 in attendance at the Kingdome in Seattle (at that time). We were told that nobody made a cent of profit from the functions and other tools. That upline used proceeds to make functions better and cheaper for IBOs. It all sounded like a great organization and I was certainly going to be rich if I only followed the system and their great leaders.

Well, after a year, I quit. Not because I could not build the business, but because my upline became overbearing, demanding that I submit to him, giving me bad advice and he was also unable to answer when I asked why I achieved the level of 4000 with the proper parameters but was not making any net profit. There was no incentive to spend all my time and money building a business for no profit and I quit. My upline's advice of dumping my fiance' to focus on Amway also contributed to my decision to quit. After I quit Amway, my life got back to normal until one day I happened to stumble across a website called Quixtar blog. It was then that I realized how many lies I was fed and how badly our uplines had taken advantage of downline IBOs.

It seems that the WWDB house of cards started tumbling with a couple of WWDB diamonds
having homes foreclosed. We later saw a blog post indicating that a WWDB triple diamond was in bankruptcy proceedings. That was followed by Ron Puryear's river house going up for sale, followed by the listings of other WWDB diamonds who were selling their homes. It is true that they may be selling the homes to liquidate some cash or to downsize, but in a bad housing market and if the homes were paid for in cash as many a diamond claims, then it seems like an odd time to sell. Of course it could also be that Amway in the US is shrinking and with less sales and fewer IBOs, there is less tools income and Amway bonuses, thus perhaps some of these diamonds simply cannot afford these homes any longer? Toss in a prominent WWDB diamond apparently divorcing and rumors of a couple of WWDB diamonds moving to form their own systems and you can see gaping holes in the WWDB system.

It has been my contention that many diamonds are possibly living in heavy debt because even with a decent income, their excessive lifestyles as portrayed in functions, simply cannot be sustained unless they have other major sources of income. In fact, since a large portion of a diamond's income is from annual bonuses, a diamond's monthly income may be relatively small. In any case, it appears to me, that WWDB is on shaky ground and some of their hypocrisy is being exposed. They apparently built a house of cards and now it may be falling apart.


Anonymous said...

WWDB is one of the worst of the Amway LOS subsystems: it's corrupt, nasty, unpleasant, and it lies through its teeth to its IBOs.

When you have reached a 4000 level, with the proper Eagle parameters, and you STILL aren't making a profit, then THERE"S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE BUSINESS ITSELF, not with you. Joe Cool was absolutely right to quit the racket.

It's laughable the way that WWDB up-line refuses to give you a straight answer on anything, except to say that "it's all your fault."

kwaaikat said...

Anonymous at 17November, they are all bad. Judging from the recruitment techniques they tried on me, I can certainly vouch that Network21 is shamelessly and blatantly dishonest too.

And observing the sad story of how the business went for the foot soldiers who tried to recruit me, it is evident that N21 would profit for decades from a loss making business builder if they could. That seems to be the trick and goal with all of them, to keep and profit from loss making "businesses" as long possible. To convince that guy that is staring the truth in the face and is about to quit, to try and ride it out just that bit longer, for the success that is, this time, really just around the corner. To convince them they've been doing this one thing wrong that prevented them from succeeding just yet, and the secret shared at the next meeting will clinch it. To convince them of no pain no gain, they just have to stick it out, and soon enough they'll be the guy on the stage. To impart the idea that hard work is rewarded for it's own sake, like a type of karma.

It also teaches people to be dishonest, to lie to others and themselves.

The same guy who has been in for years and buy the argument that he just wasn't committed enough, still goes and sells the idea to others, that the business could be run part time, by people short on time. The same guy who has poured in thousands goes out in sells it to prospects as "low startup costs". The same guy who learns techniques on how to convince others, when to disclose what, not say the "A" word too soon, still has it in his script when luring friends to meetings, that selling and persuasion is not a required skill.

WWDB and N21 play the same game. They are despicable organisations.