When I was an IBO, my upline used to advise us to recruit people who had a financial need or young people who were open minded as they may not have preconceived ideas about Amway. When I was recruited, I was not where I wanted to be financially as I was about 29 years old when I first got recruited by my sponsor. I believe that this is still common practice today, to look for people who are in need and then offer Amway as a solution.
In my opinion, this is why some people defend Amway so fiercely. They accept Amway as their solution for long term financial stability and to admit that they were in error is difficult as it would not only expose the erros, but would leave the IBO as not having that "hope" of long term financial freedom.
Many prospects see big dreams when the diamonds parade on stage with designer suits and talk about waking up at noon and enjoying a lifestyle chock full of luxuries. It's almost like dreaming about hitting it big in Las Vegas or winning the lottery. I can't fault prospects for wanting some of these thing. I know I certainly had some of these same dreams when I was an IBO.
But the sad reality is that some diamonds are simply putting on a show, like a illusionist or a magician. Diamonds may indeed earn a six figure income, but after taxes and other expenses such as medical insurance, a diamond is very likely to live a very middle class lifestyle. Now I'm fairly sure that a crown ambassador type may have a million dollar income, but these Amway corwns are very rare, and the ones who exist have been in the business for a long time. There is not much chance of any new IBO coming in and achieving that level. In fact as time rolls on, it seems that more diamonds drop out due to divorce, better MLM opportunities or simply quit. It is apparent that long term residual income is a myth.
Amway reports that the average IBO earns $115 a month. I believe that number is also questionable as "most" IBOs (as shown in 6-4-2) actually earn more like $9 or $10 a month. Is this what you are signing up for?
My upline advised me to recruit people... so what?
It's like dreaming about hitting it big in Vegas but just dreaming... was that you?
Diamonds parade in designer suits, wake up at noon, have a luxury lifestyle... do you?
Diamonds are illusionits... maybe to you?
Medical insurance... is that an obsession for you?
Diamonds' expenses cause them to live like the middle class... why do you compare yourself to them?
Crowns are very rare and no more will ever be again... are your type of people just as rare?
Diamonds quit more and more... how much more do your type of people quit?
Residual income is a myth... how true is that for someone like you who is on active income?
IBOs earn less than Amway's figures... have you polled the figures on behalf of Amway?
Is this what you're signing up for... Is your variant independent of the masses or does it follow the trend?
Anonymous, out of the tens of millions of IBOs who have come and gone thru Amway/Quixtar, how many do not work and have money rolling in as advertised? How come crown ambassadors are still working the business?
"Diamonds parade in designer suits, wake up at noon, have a luxury lifestyle... do you?"
I do. Are you going to follow me now?
"Residual income is a myth... how true is that for someone like you who is on active income?"
I'm on residual income. Are you?
Amway's biggest defender? What's his level?
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