Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Why Amway Doesn't Work?

1. The Amway products are too expensive to compete with other brands. While IBO's claim high quality, that is subjective and for most consumers, Amway products are not well known and seen as generic in nature with a premium price. Many people consider Amway products "satisfactory" or "average". Some people do enjoy Amway products, but overall in the US market, it clearly indicates that price is a factor and people apparently choose Costco or WalMart. Also, person to person advertising is not as effective as national advertising such as Proctor and Gamble. While Amway does some advertising, they are too far behind in the game and their spotty reputation precedes them. Amway IBOs often refer to Amway products as the "cadillac of soap/cleaning products". But guess what? People aren't in the market for "prestigious" cleaning products. And there's no bonafide evidence that Amway is the cadillac of soap/cleaning products.

2. The compensation plan is very unfair to new IBO's. The new guy does the work but gets only a tiny fraction of the generous bonus Amway pays out. A new IBO who moves 100 PV would get back $10 or so while layers of uplines split up the remaining $90 or so on bonuses generated by the 100 PV. The only way an IBO can increase volume is to sponsor downline and hope that they will also buy into the system and dedicate themselves to moving volume consistently. But this will also fail due to reasons #3 and #4. The IBO who does the work does not "get the money".

3. Amway's reputation is so bad that sponsoring downlline to build a group is nearly impossible. Even getting people to see the plan is a tough sell. It is why building a business without some deception is nearly impossible. It is why many uplines begin to teach that Amway saves marriages, or that you become nicer by building an Amway business, or that the Amway business is about friends and not money. That is a bunch of BS, business is about making money. If not you have joined a social club.

4. The uplines push the tools scam on their downline while they make handsome profits from these books, voicemails, standing orders and functions. What's more, these tools do not help an IBO build a business because of the reaons listed above. In fact, I believe that any IBO who actually succeed, does so in spite of the system and not because of the system. There is zero unbiased evidence to indicate that the system tools have any relationship to IBO success. And most systems are more alike than not, despite what they may claim.

It is for these reasons that I believe Amway is not a good business opportunity for the vast majority of people. When you factor in the system expenses, you almost assure yourself of a losing proposition. Do the math and do the research. Your conclusion should be clear.

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