Friday, October 16, 2009

Amway - The Hypocrisy Of Upline Leaders?

Now that the internet is so accessible, information flows freely and some of the dark secrets of the Lines Of Sponsorship have been exposed. Also, as times passes, it is becoming clear that a bunch of upline leaders are major hypocrites, apparently motivated by greed and personal gain. I believe this trend will continue as well.

Many upline leaders appeal to their audience by talking about how the Amway business can save marriages. I remember sitting in an audience when some diamonds spoke about how couples who build the business have a less than 2% divorce rate as compared to the national figure of 50% or so. One major reason cited was the financial stress that J-O-B people had (not enough cash). But now we see some upline diamond leaders getting divorced and in some cases, no explanation is offered, as if the missing spouse was beamed up by aliens.

People also found that some diamonds make a lot of money from tools. When I was an IBO, we were told very clearly, that nobody made profits from tools. That profits went back into the functions to make them better and cheaper. (Has any function gotten cheaper in the last 12 years?) In fact, when I was an IBO, I was told that WWDB was a non-profit entity, which was a bold lie. I will admit that upline later changed their story to WWDB was a for profit company, but nobody kept profits, thus the channeling money to make events better and cheaper.

Some upline leaders also spoke of how utterly stupid it was to take out a loan as the banks make so much money off the interest. We now see some of these very leaders having their homes foreclosed! Some of these diamonds were the very ones who said their pay cash for everything, including their homes and cars.

What's even more amazing is how the hypocrisy of some of these leaders are exposed to downline and the downline simply ignores it and continues to follow blindly without an explantion or questioning the leaders after the incidents are exposed.
IBOs should ask their leaders questions when these kinds of issues arise. And you should think twice if the answer your receive is questionable.


Lucifer said...

If you truly are a Christian, renounce fighting hypocrisy with hypocrisy.

Joecool said...

Upline profits from some of the things they promote. Thus their exposed hypocrisy is a significant issue.

Lucifer said...

What are some of these things that uplines promote which reveal hypocrisy?

Joecool said...

Telling people loans are stupid and then taking out loans yourself is nto hypocrisy in your (tiny) mind?

Lucifer said...

People have a choice in all that they do. Hypocrisy comes when you deny others that which you don't deny yourself.

rocket said...

Hey Lew

Preaching family values and then getting divorced is hypocrisy.

Saying that they love you but are found to be a bunch of liars profiting from you is hypocrisy.

Is that clear? Because it's all happened.

Lucifer said...

As I stated, people have a choice. And so do you. Even if your intentions are noble in leading as well as misleading.

Joecool said...

Lucipher, why do you bother commenting when you are just talking in bubbles?

Gina said...

Easy....simply point out the misleading statements....assuming you are able Lucifer.

Lucifer said...

Jesus also spoke in parables as you well recall.

Joecool said...

You aren't speaking any sense. At least present some facts for debate. Or shut up. LOL

rocket said...

Parables maybe worked for Jesus, but not for you.

Jesus wasn't in Amway either.

Lucifer said...

Regardless of my ability to conceive or prove a statement, people are the vector of their own beliefs and choices. I only show them what I have for sale, I let them look at it and then they make up their mind. I do not convince anyone, they convince themselves and that makes my job very easy.
If you are indeed one with the Son of God then not only is His word your way of life but you never were in Amway.

Joecool said...

Loosifer from Canada, you aren't making any sense and showing you don't know much about business or the Bible.

Lucifer said...

Steve, I did not point this out earlier on, I allowed you to stumble upon your mistake a couple of times while I carefully observed you. Why is it that you can not properly spell someone's name? Is it not ironic? I thought you were a sharp guy!

Joecool said...

Lucyfer from Canada, who is Steve? Why is it you know so little about business?

Anonymous said...

ugh....this guy is giving me the creeps. is it any wonder that his name is lucifer???!!!