Thursday, December 10, 2009

Amway - Tapes/CDs, Books And Seminars Are The Key To Success?

I recently saw a commentary which I thought was very significant about the Amway "educational" system. This system is not run by Amway, but the for profit motivational systems such as BWW, WWDB, LTD, N21 et al. In many cases, these systems are touted as the key to an IBO's success. Unfortunately, there is no unbiased evidence that I know of to suggest that these materials do anything to help an IBO progress towards their business goals. Furthermore, these materials cost money. If upline didn't succeed until downline succeed, woudn't they want everyone moving along, tools or not? As far as I know, uplines don't offer much help unless you are on tools.

Also, what is interesting is that IBOs do not have a indivudual training plan. Uplines are often refered to as "mentors". I disagree. A mentor would work with someone one on one and make an assessment as to how to train someone. That isn't what happens for most IBOs.

Instead the upline will generalize all of their downline and tell that that books, tapes/cds and seminars is how they should learn. That eliminates many people from succeeding already. Many people do not learn in these types of learning environments. Many people have difficulty in picking up information from a tape or cd. Some upline may not be good at transfering information to downline in this manner as well.

But still, upline convinces the masses that a one size fits all teaching system. They may also encourage some people to overspend on these materials, without any regard to an IBO's finances or progression in the business. Techinically, a sponsor is supposed to train any downline without cost.

I wonder what sincere efforts your uplines make to train and to mentor downline? Flying to a seminar where they might make $100,000 for a weekend doesn't seem like much personal attention when perhaps over 10,000 may be in attendance.

These training materials might be the key to success. But that success is much more likely to be enjoyed by the people who are profiting by selling these materials, and not those who are purchasing them.


Anonymous said...

Furthermore, these materials cost money... enough said. Congrats for quitting! More room for the winners! Go Diamond!

Joecool said...

And what have you accomplished in Amway?

*crickets chirping*

Unknown said...

A lot of stuff. My family members are millionaires.

Anonymous said...


i'm sorry, was that actually supposed to be funny?

Krishna R Gowda said...

pigs don't know that pigs stinks too. After I plugged in to this system it increases my self image a lot not only in my family in my office also. if u don't understand this and if u think bww tool is cost more u r the no 1 stupid and idiot in the world.

Anonymous said...

you mean your self-image was bad before you relied on scamway? wow i feel quite sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

There is a certain type of person that succeeds. In life, if it was that easy, we would all have it. The fact is that Amway is a proven system that works. The big issue is that YOU have to actually work. You actually have to do something to get something. Nothing is free in life and if you don't keep educating yourself, you get left behind - not just in Amway but with everything and it all costs money. The secret lies in the e-training, the books and CDs... and yes it is a proven fact that if your self image is good, you take bigger steps, bigger risks in life and generally attract people to you. Self image also gets you the job when you go for an interview. If you don't open yourself up to the information provided then it is not for you - fair enough - it does not suit all people because not all of us are the same - but if you are a goal driven person with similar ideas then guess what, you make money. I am - I don't care how I got my house, the fact is, I got it.

Anonymous said...

how about them tigers???

Anonymous said...

If you want to succeed in life you of to go through life without your breaks on. You of to have a dream that's so stinking big that nothing can stop you. There is nothing as powerful as a changed mind. Don't change your mind and you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Most people go through life without knowing what their talents are. Step in your fears and push yourself to go on. Getting other peoples approval for what you do can let you lose your nerves and you no longer see the value of what your for. Have a winners quality, awaken the greatness within you, tune out the critics. When you know what you want the universe moves with you, you convince yourself everyday and others. You must realise you got what it takes and nothing is going to stop you. Don't live on foolish opinions or thoughts. Bear fruit.

Joecool said...

So what fruit does your upline have? Showing pictures of checks and pictures of cars isn't fruit. It's an illusion. Ask to see their financial statements and see if there's any fruit there.

Anon said...

I can't speak for all, but I would rather learn from people who DO and have had success rather than from teachers who don't or haven't. This is what Amway's educative system has to offer. I respect everyone's opinion to join or not. If everyone were to join, we wouldn't have professionals and employees that the world needs. May you have success in whatever choices you make in life.

Anonymous said...

Why are these amshit people coming here if they are taught to succeed and if they are already gaining success with scamway? Why are these shitters coming here. U know why? Coz they are already depressed and dont want any new guys googling about amway to know that amway is shit. These "amshit joined guys" want to manipulate you new guys to think that amway is not a bad thing to do. These people want you to think positive about amway so the the billion dollar business gets fueled with new fools and make profits annually so that this business never stops. NO DOUBT AMWAY PRODUCTS ARE GREAT. but this product is just an upper layer on the underlying clever business cult.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's really very curious. These Amway assholes all claim to be successful guys on their way to becoming millionaires.

If that were actually the case, why are they coming to this anti-Amway website to bitch and moan? Why don't they just ignore Joe Cool and all the other anti-Amway commentators?

The truth is this: these Amway assholes know that they are losers, and that they are slowly going broke in the silly pyramid scheme that Amway promotes. In their frustration and rage they come here and scream at the rest of us. It's pure displaced anger.

If these Amway assholes were successful millionaires, they wouldn't be giving this website a second thought. They'd just be living their lives. But the fact that they keep on showing up here to complain about us only proves that they are frustrated losers.

Unknown said...

Buddy they are experts at mind control.

Unknown said...

Joe cool, your right.

Unknown said...

Buddy you are brain washed

Unknown said...

Its all about mind control, sorry if they have taken advantage of unknown people

Anonymous said...

It really is quite amusing how these brainwashed Ambots always seem to show up on the anti-Amway blogs regergitating unoriginal amspeak that has not changed since I was in WWDB almost 30 years ago. Sadly they will all tell you “business is great” however they can’t produce proof of that claim and in reality are being bled dry of every penny their greedy Upline can get out of them. Ambot pigs don’t know Ambit pigs stink.

**Former WWDB Lemming**