Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dream Night?

Across many US cities, IBOs are buying tickets for a major function called "Dream Night". It used to cost about $65 but I believe it now costs anywhere from $75 to $100 per person. I read an IBO blog recently where the IBO says that 1200 to 1300 people signed up so fast that they scheduled a second Dream Night. FYI, these events where you have a ballroom and a nice dinner can be purchased for about $25 to $30 per person. The rest of that money goes directly into the Diamond's pockets, just like all of the other functions and meetings with a cost. So much for diamonds working for the "love" of their groups.

At dream night, the diamonds will show displays of wealth. Allegedly, these luxuries are attained by building an Amway business but many diamonds will not mention that the luxuries they show off might not have been attained by Amway income. For some diamonds and above, their luxuries and alleged wealth are often attained by income sources outside of Amway, such as other businesses and investments, or from income received by selling voicemail, standing orders, book of the month and functions such as Dream Night.

I remember the diamonds urging people on. That everyone needed to "hurry up" and join them living in the lap of luxury. If only you would do as they do, you would have what they have. I was shown slideshows of yachts, sports cars, mansions, jet skis and jewelry. It was implied that building the Amway business would lead you to these trappings of wealth. All we needed to do was commit ourselves to the system and never quit. What went unnoticed, was how the speakers were few and the audience was large. And that's how it will always be. A platinum will often have 100 IBOs or more in their groups and a diamonds has at least six of these legs in their group. It is not true that everyone can eventually go diamond and be on stage.

Dream Night is like an advertisement for the lottery. You show the excessive luxuries of life and imply that the Amway oportunity can provide all of this. While some people may obtain wealth from Amway, they are the very rare exception and not a common experience. Just as showing lottery winners sitting in mansions is common. What goes unseen is that many end up losing so a few can win. For many IBOs, it is the tools themselves that ultimately doom most IBOs to a net loss. Ironic because the tools are promoted as the key to IBO success. Sadly, hard work and perserverence more often leads to massive losses than success in Amway.

So IBOs and guests attending Dream Night, have a nice dinner but know that the dreams that are being fulfilled aren't likely to be your dreams. It is the speakers whose dreams you are fulfilling by paying and attending their Dream Night function.


Anonymous said...

sounds much like a nightMARE!

rocket said...

No kidding. I saw that too, and the WWDB site doesn't let you see the cost of the function.

It also didn't look like it was sold out on their website. You could still buy tickets on the site if you were an IBO yesterday.

That's an accredited organization is it? Nice.....

Joecool said...

These functions can never sell out. If they have more suckers, err, I mean IBOs, they just schedule another session. At maybe $50 profit per ticket, why not show slide shows and talk about being wealthy, even if it may not be true?

colin said...

My friend who dropped out of med school to do amway with the gred duncan wwdb group. Baught 10 tickets in advance cause his diamond convinced him to do so. I showed up(free of course...i was never convinced this business was legit),himself,and his best friend. That leaves 7 empty seats and if you know anything about banquet dinners diamonds can get lots of $ back from no shows to the dinner(i know this cause i worked in banquets for certain 4 star hotels). lol also this university dropout was working construction fulltime and amway partime so he really cant afford buying those 10 tickets. I can tell he was furious nobody showed up to the dinner even though it was free.

Anonymous said...

Amway dose not tell you to quit your job and plunge all your assets into it. You guys are looking to close at the big picture of it. If you want to sure make it your life, but doing it on the side with of other means of income is how you climb the latter. I am involved with anyway and I use it more to keep myself motivated to looking toward the future and surrounding myself with positive people. It can be a great experience. Dream night is only to make you motivated to succeed, with or without Amway.

Anonymous said...

thanks, but i've already been motivated to succeed, WITHOUT amway. =)