Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Is There Amway Fruit On Your Tree?

I had a good chuckle recently when some Amway apologists spoke about looking at the "fruit on the tree". One commentator said his parents were broke and he looked to his diamond since the diamond apparently had fruit on the tree. I thought about this concept and I agree, that perhaps we should look at fruit on the tree. My former LOS, WWDB had diamonds get divorced, , had homes foreclosed, go bankrupt, and some even left WWDB for greener pastures. That's some heavy duty fruit for sure.

IBOs and Amway prospects, please ask your upline platinum or diamond to show you the fruit on their tree. Ask them to see their (business) financial statements. This is actually a common practice in real business. When a friend of mine sold his business a few years back, he made three year's worth of income tax returns to show prospective buyers. If your upline dodges the issue or tell you to mind your own business, red flags should pop up all over the place.

As far as I know, not one single bigger pin has ever shown their business financials. In fact, if it made certain bigger pins look good, why wouldn't they want to "show their fruit". They certainly don't mind showing off diamond rings, fancy clothes, sports cars and the like. What many IBOs don't understand is that fancy cars and other toys is no evidence of fruit on the tree. Diamonds might be in debt or may not even own some of the toys they show off.

It has been discussed that some diamonds may rent cars or fancy homes and try to imply that they own these items. Some diamonds, possibly many diamonds in the past have lied or embellished the truth about paying for everything in cash, including their homes and cars. They also at times, have given the audience the impression that these luxuries are all purchased with Amway income, and we know that many diamonds have probably had supplemental income from the systems, or other business ventures outside of Amway.

We also know that some diamonds are in debt, but simply try to portray an excessive lifestyle. (See Ruth Carter's Book: Amway Motivational Organizations, Behind the Smoke and Mirrors). Some diamonds may have a substantial income, but it doesn't mean they are financially free and able to live a jetset lifestyle that many portray. It is an illusion, possibly to be able to attract new prospects into the business.

So yes, let us actually see the fruit on the tree. Is there any fruit?


Steve said...

Hey Joecool, one of the props that attracted me in the beginning was a copy of one of my upline Platinum's monthly checks.

Everyone seemed to have a copy of this doggone check that was just shy of $5400.

Seemed like a pretty good part-time deal, though at the time I didn't understand that this was the bonus for the entire group of somewhere between 75-100 people or more.

That's right, this was the gross amount to the entire Platinumship, to be distributed down to EVERYONE who earned a bonus, with most receiving peanuts.

But that is NOT how it was portrayed and those who were promoting it as representative of the Platinum's income knew it was deceptive and dishonest.

The truth is that the Platinum kept about $1100, from which they paid all of their business and travel expenses, in addition to maintaining a significant inventory... a far cry from the $60,000 - 80,000 PROFIT shown in the plan.

We experienced similar "fruit" in our journey as we ultimately reached the level of Q12. Further, I have spoken with MANY former Platinums, Rubies, and others who confided similar results and practices.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

what's going on joe, no comments from your anti-MLM peanut gallery?

Joecool said...

Some articles spark comments and some don't.

ExAmbot said...

I was savoring my peanuts here but I see you have commented, good. Getting back the stick now.