Monday, January 19, 2015

IBOFightback - Amway Shill?

There's no doubt that IBOFightback, AKA IBOFB, AKA Insider, AKA Icerat, AKA Insider201283, AKA David Steadson is easily the most prolific defender of Amway on the internet. Any comments about Amway send him running as if the comments are some sort of "batsignal" that prompts him into action. He literally has tens of thousands of comments all over the internet in defense of Amway, MLM and recently, Herbalife. He even went so far as to say that Karen O'Neil, the rules administrator for Amway, was wrong and that he was right. His lies and propaganda still sit on many blogs and forum. The now defunct Qblog had many of his most shameless lies, but unfortunately, I didn't save screen prints.

Now Mr. Steadson claims that he is not paid for his defense of Amway and other MLMs, but a recent site visitor here made some comments that has me thinking. He said that he was at an Amway meeting recently where the IBO leaders are encouraging IBOs and prospects to visit Mr. Steadson's website to get information about Amway and about critics so they can avoid critical websites. Now Steadson has ads on his website and the ability to accept donations. It could be possible, I suppose, that Steadson earns some income from the ads and augments that with donations from brainwashed IBOs who view him as some typs of authority figure in Amway. He would be like a Kiyosaki. Someone who isn't really building Amway (and maybe not capable of doing so) but is able to profit (directly or indirectly) by promoting Amway. If a diamond told their group to visit the website and donate a few bucks, I could see it being a fairly nice venture for the Amway shill.

What Amway IBOs and prospects do not recognize is that many of Mr. Steadson's articles are nice anecdotal stories and most of his work doesn't reflect the reality that the vast majority of IBOs are going to make nothing or lose money regardless of how hard they work. Out of those who work very hard, the vast majority, probably more than 99% lose money. Mr. Steadson also downplays the tool scam. The real business of Amway is selling cds and functions. Pretty much only those who profit from the functions make any real money in Amway. The tools and functions have a much larger profit margin and only a few qualified people share in the profits. It only makes sense that significant income is derived from the tools.

The Amway shills will have you believe that "anyone" can succeed in Amway. That is just as true as "anyone" can win the lottery. The reality is that very few, less than 1% of IBOs even reach platinum, And only a tiny fraction of platinums ever reach diamond. And those who reach diamond often canno sustain it. People are not making livable income from Amway. People are not walking away to collect residual income from Amway and the business is a near assurance of failure. That is the "Truth About Amway".


Anonymous said...

It's a very real possibility that Steadson gets paid by Amway and he simply lies about it. It won't be the first or last time that the sneak lies about something related to Amway.

Anonymous said...

If he's not paid, he must be brainwashed beyond measure.

Joecool said...

I'm not sure if Steadson is paid or not, but if he is, he's not worth it. IMO, he does more harm than good for Amway anyway with his lies and propaganda approach to defending them.

Anonymous said...

I think he's both brainwashed, paid,and also mentally ill lol

Anonymous said...

I agree. I think he's paid and lies about it, plus he brainwashed and probably needs mental health assistance. LOL

Anonymous said...

Steadson is a dick smoker.