Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Amway IBOs "Help" People?

One of the biggest loads of guano my upline used to feed us was that our Amway business was about helping people. That the great thing about the business was the number of people we are helping. I used to wonder how we helped people because anyone who wasn't interested in the business was labeled as negative and were to be avoided. These negative people included many family and friends. Thus we only "helped" people who were in Amway. But is signing them up for Amway really helping them?

I also wondered whether we could honestly say we were even helping people in the Amway business as many of my crossline had been involved before I was and and they had no downline. They faithfully attended all the meetings and functions and did their defacto 100 PV quota each month. I figured they had to be losing money because I wasn't making anything even at higher pin levels than my cross line. I guess even being a dedicated IBO for more than half a year, I maintained some sense of compassion and common sense about things. (I also thought many meetings were a waste of time, money and effort). But I suppressed my common sense because my group was growing and I was being edified as a mover and shaker. It's hard to describe but it's hard not to be excited when your group is growing and being edified. I believe some people live for the adulation and the money is a secondary motivator.

Having walked away from the business, I can honestly say now that the IBOs and upline leaders aren't about helping people. They only want to show interest in you if it will somehow benefit their Amway business. While people spend time helping their communities or churches, or feeding homeless people for that matter, IBOs are busy attending meetings and functions, and finding prospects to brng to the next open meeting or funtion. While people give their time and money to help others, many IBOs are in financial bondage because their involvement with Amway and the systems such as N21, WWDB, LTD or BWW eats up an IBO's time and income, rendering them financially and schedule wise, unable to help some of these kinds of causes. Amway and the systems becomes your life and ministry.

So I challenge information seekers and IBOs to think about this. When your upline leaders or sponsor talks about helping people and helping a cause, what exactly are they speaking of? When you're at a function and your church or neighbors are cleaning up the roadside or painting a school, how are you helping? Some uplines will even tell their IBOs not to tithe to their churches. That they can donate $10,000 checks later. Well, that later rarely ever comes and the money that the churches and charities take in help others immediately, not when someone goes diamond.

So....... Do IBOs really help people?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amway is more of a cult than a business, so quite naturally the concerns of an Amway IBO are solely for himself and his fellow cult members. Those not in Amway are only prospective recruits, and those who question or reject Amway are evil subhumans.

Why help subhumans? For this reason Amway activities are designed only to benefit those who are members in good standing of the Amway cult.

The bullshit about "helping others" is nothing but a way to distract Amway IBOs from the fact that the vast majority of them are losing money every month. If you are brainwashed to think that somehow you are "helping others" while you are losing your financial shirt via the corrupt "Tools" racket, this will make you feel better.