Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Churn?

 What goes completely unnoticed by many Amway folks and prospects is how the upline diamonds actually make their money.  They are told that you make money by purchasing your own Amway products and getting others to copy or do the same thing that you do.  While the diamonds might keep their qualifications by doing this, the real money is in selling tools and functions.  

Tools and functions have larger profit margins than Amway products and the rank and file IBOs do not participate in the compensation plan thus the profits exclusively belong to the diamonds and higher ups.  For example, a function can likely be run for a few dollars per head but the diamonds charge more than a hundred bucks for these functions.  I even hear that virtual functions are still being run at full price.  This is more evidence of the upline greed. 

It’s no secret that most IBOs don’t even last a year in Amway, most likely because of the futility of building an Amway business, along with financial losses associated with the business.  Thus the diamonds need to capitalize on what’s called “the churn”.  That simply means that you get people into Amway and get them plugged into the system of tools and functions. Thus the diamonds profit until these newbies quit.  In the meantime the focus is to keep bringing in people to replace the ones who quit.

Think about this.  If diamonds kept emerging from the system, they would be one share holders in the tool and function profits but if a diamond can just keep replacing quitters, the profits from tools and functions remains in their pockets exclusively and nobody is the wiser.  Sure you need a new diamond here and there so they can proclaim that the system works but overall, the success rate in Amway is miserable at best. 

So if you’re being prospects into Amway or are already an IBO, read this post again and really try to think about this with an open mind. Then you can see through the smoke and mirrors that the upline diamonds are using. 

p.s.  it’s almost Election Day.  Please go out and vote!  


Anonymous said...

Joe, you have let the cat out of the bag. Amway Diamonds don't really want a lot of new Diamonds. If there are more Diamonds it means that the tool and function money has to be divided up among more people.

Better (and much more profitable) to have a lot of low-level IBOs paying endless fees, dropping out after several hopeless months, and being replaced by new idiots. That is the main way in which a few people get rich in the Amway racket.

Joecool said...

Thanks for the comments. Some Amway apologists claim this practice dies not exit at but the reality is the only way for diamonds to have a diamond lifestyle is to churn people in and out of the business, selling tools and functions along the way.