Monday, October 26, 2020

The Diamond Lifestyle?

 Many Amway IBOs and prospects see the diamonds and think they are rock stars.  You are given the impression that these folks literally have money to burn and they just live in excessive luxury and have no worries in the world.  Life is just one long and luxurious vacation.  It makes sense because telling you a diamond really just lives a middle class lifestyle wouldn’t be very attractive.  

But some of you out there know the diamonds a bit. Even I got to go to the diamonds house as an IBO because I was an up and coming IBO.  Our diamond had a decent house but it wasn’t a mansion and it wasn’t anything extraordinary. The line they fed us was that the house was paid off and eventually, the diamond would move to a gated community. 

Well, fast forward 20+ years and my former diamond never winded up moving to a gated community and in fact, had at one time fallen out of diamond qualification and was an emerald.  I did hear that he re-qualified as diamond but instead of the gated community in Hawaii, I had heard that the diamond moved to Washington state. Interesting as he used to proclaim that he absolutely loved the ocean. 

So do diamonds live happily ever after with unlimited cash?  It is my informed opinion that diamonds (not all) live in debt like much of the rest of the US.  Diamond income is limited and living a life of excess luxury is very expensive.  Amway reports that  Q12 diamond makes around $600k but a Q12 diamond is very rare.  The average non Q12 diamond last reported by Amway earns about $150k plus sone income from tools and functions.  

A nice income but paying off mansions and Sports cars in cash is a stretch.  I’m not even sure diamonds and their families can afford to fly first class everywhere they go unless they are very tenured and established diamonds.   What many people don’t know is that a diamonds monthly income can be quite small as a significant portion of a diamonds income is made in the form of an annual bonus. 

Just doing the math and using common sense about lifestyles easily shows that a diamond can’t live the diamond lifestyle they often portray unless they are living in debt.  It just makes mathematical sense. 

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