Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Math?

 One of the problems that IBO get into is they ignore, at upline advice, basic math and common sense.  Basically as an IBO, if you just carefully and objectively observe what’s actually going on around you, it’s hard to make a good case for joining or remaining in Amway.  The basic pitch is to come and make money or save money.  

How many IBOs are actually making money or saving money by being an Amway IBO?  Sure, you get the IBO price in Amway goods but those goods are not necessarily saving you any money.  Also, IBOs often try to sponsor their customers who would then receive the IBO price and become a competing IBO.  Yes, you get to leverage a downline’s volume but then you get the conundrum of most IBOs do little or nothing then quit.  Amway’s disclosures show that about half of all IBOs are not active and basically do nothing.  

Additionally, when pitched on Amway, you were likely told that you would make money.  But doing the math shows that the 100 PV that upline wants you to shoot for monthly costs about $300 unless you’re able to sell that volume which would be near impossible unless you have many sympathetic friends and family.  Then you have to cost of tools and functions which can run from $200 a month or more if you are committed to the system. 

All of that expense would generate you about $10 in Amway bonuses.  Only by sponsoring a large group of downline can you start to earn enough to offset some of your Amway related expenses. And here’s another kicker. Amway’s own disclosures show that most IBOs never sponsor a single downline, which makes sense when about half of IBOs don’t lift a finger after signing up.  

So if you just look at the whole picture objectively and assess the math and numbers, in my opinion I can’t understand how anyone can conclude that the Amway opportunity and the related tools and functions is worthy of your investment of time and money.   Good luck if you read this and try anyway. 


Anonymous said...

The problem is that math is factual and objective. But in Amway you are told that "the facts don't matter." Amway IBOs are trained NOT TO LISTEN TO FACTS. That maniac Dexter Yager used to scream this all the time.

Logical argumentation cannot pierce the thick skin of cultish superstition that encases the mind of the typical Amway asshole. You might as well try arguing with an android.

It wouldn't matter so much if the tragic results of Amway only affected the individuals who are stupid enough to sign up in the scam. But Amway's evil is much more widespread. It destroys friendships and families and marriages. It drives people into bankruptcy. It makes them lose their homes. It alienates people from those who are normally closest to them. It causes people to lose their jobs, or not go to college, or devote years of their youth to utter bullshit like going to "functions" or listening to rah-rah propaganda on tapes and CDs. It manipulates people into buying loads of unsellable crap that they have to store in their basements or garages.

And FOR WHAT? To "help others achieve their dreams"? To "become a better person"? To "develop leadership skills"? To worship criminal con-men called "Platinums and Diamonds"? To "lead a Biblical life?"

These are the fake reasons that Amway palms off on dumb IBOs when the IBOs begin to realize that they are losing money hand over fist.

Anonymous said...

I think your line about not lifting a finger as it relates to not sponsoring a downline is a tad loaded. I cold contacted at least 60 people and showed at least 20 plans and never sponsored anyone. I wasn't very good nor did I have a large group of friends to sponsor.

So there are people who try once they get in even if they have nothing to show for it.