Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Amway - A Great Comment That Makes Perfect Sense!

I recently received this anonymous comment on a post and it sums up why potential Amway recruits need to use due diligence if they are thinking about joining and to be wary of predatory uplines:

[Quote] Sorry if i sound a little bitter but I actually know some people in real life who can nary afford to be buying/selling Amway products because they can barely put food on their own tables. Someone somewhere told them Amway was the way to financial freedom but forgot to tell them there was actual work involved, and now they are spending money that they should be using to get their life in order on Amway instead. They should be getting real SECOND jobs to make their ends meet but they are living this fantasy that one day they'll be a diamond too. Believe me when I tell you that their so-called Amway education is NEVER going to compare with my bonafide university degree and the doors that it opened for me.

IMO, Amway sponsors and uplines clearly prey on people who can least afford to take part in this 'opportunity'. They look for people who are down on their luck, working minimum wage or other crappy jobs and seduce them with a get rich quick scheme - you can work from home a couple hours a week! More time with the family! They turn them into automatons who spout motivational bullcrap and judgemental observations about people who have regular jobs (and can therefore pay their bills) because these people haven't 'broken out of their comfort zone'.

Color me comfortable with the comfort zone. In today's economy you would have to be a moron to spend more money on products that you can get at your grocery store for less. If I need a little more cash, maybe I'll get a second part time job that Joecool and others have already demonstrated actually PAY MORE than the average IBO makes selling Amway. And the best thing is, I don't actually have to spend any of my own money to do it.

-Living in the Real World


John said...

Except that you dont spend more money in Amway. at leas not on all the products and I have proven it and Ibofightback has proven it. Also, a poor destetute person is not going to be able to do this business. it is for those who have just enough time and money to get out of thier financial jam. and they claim that joecool has demonstrated truths about this? Sadly they are decieved, Joe you have not proven anythng. my budget shows the opposite, now how is that?

Joecool said...

Levi, I challenge you to walk down the aisles of Costco or Walmart and compare prices with Amway. I did it once and Costco was the champ by far.

Anonymous said...

Levi said, "Also, a poor destetute person is not going to be able to do this business."

That is my whole point, Levi. People with little money cannot afford to do this, and yet, my own experience is proving that people who cannot afford to do Amway are being roped in to it ANYWAY, whether it be from irresponsible recruiting/unethical uplines or sheer stupidity on the new IBO's part.

My point, and Joecool's, is that if you are a prospective IBO you need to really look at your own finances first and see if this makes sense for you and your family. If you are barely making ends meet and have kids to feed, maybe (probably) this is not the opportunity for you.

I don't doubt that there are some people out there who make their business work. I also think that Amway is probably not their sole income source and their perceived success, like the nice house and vacations, was not paid for solely by Amway income but rather by
outside income sources such as a full time job or other business.

Further, I have done my own research into Amway products in regards to price and have found that many of the products are less expensive in the grocery store or your local Walmart. Or they may be comparable in price, such as the makeup line, but it is my assertion that if you are already familiar with a national namebrand makeup line, a woman is more likely to go with the national namebrand rather than some untried, unheard of Amway product, even if she has to pay a few more dollars.

Further, Joecool HAS demonstrated, and so have I, that a part time job that you work at 24 hours a month (three days a month at 8 hours a day at $8/hour) pays $192/mo. The average IBO earns $115. I have actually worked a part time job in addition to my full time job and I know this to be true. How much time do you spend a week trying to recruit, sell products, attend Amway meetings, view the DVD tools? This is all work, that you are not getting paid for. How much money are you spending on the tools?

A part time job doesn't cost you any money but the gas you use to get to the job.

-Living in the Real World

John said...

"How much time do you spend a week trying to recruit, sell products, attend Amway meetings, view the DVD tools? This is all work, that you are not getting paid for. How much money are you spending on the tools?"

Sure I will repeat myself. First I only make 200-300 per month profit from this busines. I dont go out of my way to make sales, I recomend products during normal conversation,also I am not on standing order Cd's nor do i go to meetings, I occasionally go to one of the four weekend seminars. Can I leave you to do the math?

Also I too have walked throuh walmart and compared prices (Staying with as close of quality as I can) I have found many of the home brands are cheaper and that is what my budget shows. Yes most people will tend to stick with what the brainwashing ads that run across the tv. dont belive me complete this sentance. The quilted quicker picker upper _______

Joecool said...

So Levi, I challenge you to post an actual price comaprison. Are you up for it?

John said...

*yawn* I have seen this one before Joe. You challange IBO's to this and the ones that take you up on your challange and show you try to either break down the credibility or try to pick apart what our results are until you see yourself winning again. Its a lame argument and I really wont waste my time like the rest have. I know from my budget that I spend less and save time so I am good on that one buddy.

John said...

by the way you dont do a price comparison with Amway's premium brands to the cheapest generic brands you can find.

Joecool said...

Levi, I did an actual price comparison on this blog. I compared several items out of the Amway catalog and walked down the aisle at Costco. Costco was much cheaper. In fact, on the very same 8 pack of pregresso soup, Costco was $8.00 cheaper than Amway. Costco toilet paper was a fraction of the cost of Meadowbrook.

John said...

yeah, I can see that but I focus my shopping on the core products, just enough in fact to get my 50 pv's and make a check, the rest of the stuff I buy is for retail and it also is core line cant buy in stores products. like the medowbrook tissue, have you ever used it? triple ply and way better than the competition. some things are just unacceptable when you buy second rate. like the paper towels I can put those in my washer and dryer an use them again ( I dont really recommend it but a customer of mine actually did it. ) they are just more dependable and cost less when you see it that way. (not the washer part the durable part) But like I said my focus with this business is now moving toward my personal presentation I am about to release and put into action. When the business is looked at as an investment you are looking at 7.00 per day, that is 200 per month, 2500 per year. and if you can duplicate it the way I describe the results are 10,000 by the end of that year. mathmatically it is there, you have to be able to pass on the great investment concept to 2 other people preferably in your first month.

Joecool said...

I did try meadowbrook tissue. It is satisfactory but not any better than kirkland from Costco. And the meadowbrook tissue costs much more than kirkland.

John said...

yeah well you like low grade stuff. there is a product for everyone. some people are picky and some are not. congrats joe you have an opinion about a product. welcome to the real world.
its funny also, some people prefer amway products (non Ibo's) and some dont. its the liking of an individual

Joecool said...

Levi, many of Amway's products are seen as generic in nature by the general public. Generic in nature with a premium price. That is a very tough sel anywhere.