The Amway business can be exciting for a new IBO. Your head is filled with all kind of dreams of wealth and early retirement and you haven’t yet been exposed to the hard realities of building an Amway business. The name reputation and other factors that make the business difficult have not yet been uncovered.
But once an IBO has been around for a while, that IBO May have gone through most of their contacts and is settling into a routine. I call it the game of Amway because these folks are still believing the dream, attending all the meetings and functions, buying and listening to the audios and reading the self help books.
Doubt has crept into the mind of that IBO but upline has already taught them that quitting makes you a loser and that there will be little hope of you ever reaching your financial goals without Amway. So you press on. You put on your suit and a fake smile and you press on. You move your volume, even if it means self consumption. You continue to do the CORE steps at your expense even when your business isn’t really growing because you’ve been taught that success might be right around the corner but you must not quit. Even though you are bleeding a negative cash flow month after month but you hang in there anyway.
It is at this point you have entered the game of Amway. You keep going trying your best but it’s well known that even the hardest working and talented people can fail in Amway because it’s a flawed system. The products are priced too high to be truly competitive and then the cost of tools and functions drains your resources
Your upline will always encourage you because they profit from your tool and function purchase even if you never wind up making a cent of profit from Amway You’d persistence just keeps the income flowing for upline. When you stop and really think about it, it just a cruel game. The Amway game. Most people snap out of it by some like my former sponsor has been active in Amway since 1994 although not having achieved much for all his efforts.
Because Amway is like a game, it becomes more of a hobby than a business. Hobbies cost you money, a business is supposed to make you money.